
Conference presentations

  1. MARTIN, F. Invited public presentation, “Between ‘anti-involution’ and ‘settling down,’: Chinese women graduates’ life aspirations in Australia” (在’反内卷’和‘安定下来’之间: 中国女毕业生在澳洲的生活向往), Shanghai University Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 20 year anniversary lecture series, April 29 2024.
  2. MARTIN, F. Invited presentation at the Oxford China Forum symposium panel, “面对内卷的狂潮“ 人生的多元化选择” (“Facing the Vortex of Intense Competition: Diversified Life Choices”): “Low-pressure aspirations: Chinese women graduates’ decisions to remain in Australia as anti-involution” (向往低压生活: 中国女毕业生反内卷的留澳选择) , March 9 2024 (online).
  3. MARTIN, F. “Privileged mobilities? The complexities of class in Chinese women’s international education projects,” invited contribution to a symposium on “A multiplicity of student voices: an intersectional exploration of structural inequalities in international mobility experiences,” organized by Dr Samantha Shields for the Society for Research into Higher Education International Research Conference, “Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy,” Birmingham, Dec 4–8, 2023.
  4. MARTIN. F. Convened the “Futures of Mobility” cluster and the “Gender and Education Mobilities” sub-cluster for the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Biennial Conclave. Presented paper “Transformed lives? Gender, time and (im)mobility in Chinese women’s transnational education,” Ahmedabad University, India, July 27–29, 2023.
  5. MARTIN, F. “Intersecting Inequalities in young Chinese women’s transnational experiences in Australia,” invited contribution to a symposium on “Intersecting inequalities in mobility of higher education students and graduates from Asia and Africa” organized by Dr Marta Moskal for the Society for Research into Higher Education International Research Conference, “Mobilities in Higher Education,” Birmingham, Dec 5–9, 2022.
  6. MARTIN, F. “Australia’s ‘education export’: What is it good for?”, Keynote address for the Cultural Studies Association of Australia 30th Anniversary Conference, RMIT University, Nov 29–Dec 2, 2022.
  7. MARTIN, F. Contributor to a panel on “International students through a gendered lens: What does the data hide?” convened by Dr Angela Lehmann (The Lygon Group) for the Australian International Education Conference (AIEC), “Beyond Borders,” Gold Coast, Oct 18–21, 2022.
  8. MARTIN, F. Invited contribution to Roundtable discussion on “China in Europe in Times of Global Disruption,” China in Europe Research Network, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Paris, Sep 2–3 2022.
  9. MARTIN, F. “Mobile students in the Enterprise University: The Ethics of the China–Australia education assemblage,” Keynote address for the Chinese Studies Association of Australia subregional cluster at the Asian Studies Association of Australia annual conference, “Social Justice in Pandemic Times,” Monash University, Jul 5–8, 2022.
  10. MARTIN, F. “Making mobile professionals: The reproduction of gender and class in Chinese women’s transnational education,” invited seminar at the Faculty of Education, Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 18, 2022.
  11. MARTIN, F. Making mobile professionals: The reproduction of gender and class in Chinese women’s transnational education, invited presentation for the Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies seminar series, University of Melbourne, April 22, 2022 (passcode: G.%DL#8L).
  12. MARTIN, F. “China’s restless young women: Negotiating gender, class and national identities,” invited presentation at the BROKEX seminar series, Dept of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, April 6, 2022 (online).
  13. MARTIN, F. “The Enterprising Self and the Nomad: Education Mobility and the Remaking of Chinese Women.” Keynote address at “AusMob Symposium 2021: Transforming Mobilities,” Australian Mobilities Research Network, The University of Melbourne, Dec 7 2021.
  14. MARTIN, F. “Making China’s mobile middle class: Gender and subject production in transnational education,” presented at Re-Worlding Chinese Transnationalisms international symposium, University of Melbourne, Aug 26-27 2021.
  15. MARTIN, F. “The Enterprising Self and the Nomad: Mobile Chinese Youth Renegotiating Life Values,” presented at the Screen & Cultural Studies staff work-in-progress series, School of Culture & Communication, The University of Melbourne, Aug 13 2021.
  16. MARTIN. F. “Educational mobility’s queer potentials,” invited presentation at Deakin University’s Gender and Sexuality Studies seminar series, Nov 1, 2019.
  17. DOUGLASS, C., C. Qin, Y. Xiao, C. El-Hayek, M. Lim, and F. Martin. “Use of pornography and sexually explicit imagery among Chinese-speaking international students in Australia,” poster presentation at the Australasian Sexual Health annual conference, Perth, Sep 16-18 2019.
  18. MARTIN, F. “Feeling Global Chineseness: Digital Cosmo-Nationalism among Chinese Women Students Abroad.” Part of a panel co-convened on Digital Citizenship in Asia, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Conference, Silliman University, Philippines, Aug 1-3, 2019.
  19. MARTIN, F. “Digital Cultures: Chinese Internet and Beyond.” Plenary presentation at the 17th Chinese Internet Research Conference, National University of Singapore, Jun 28, 2019.
  20. MARTIN. F. “Dreams of Flight: Gender, Subjectivity, and China’s Student Transmigrants.” Invited presentation in the Contemporary China Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, May 30, 2019.
  21. MARTIN. F. “Chinese Social Media in Melbourne: Students Remaking the City.” Invited presentation at the public seminar on Social Media and Chinese Digital Diaspora in Australia, DERC, RMIT, May 10 2019.
  22. MARTIN, F. “Dreams of Flight: Gender, Subjectivity, and China’s Student Transmigrants.” Keynote address in Social Sciences and Humanities Section, 11th Research Symposium for Chinese PhD Students and Scholars in Australia, Swinburne University, Dec 1 2018.
  23. MARTIN, F. “Thinking through multi-method media research: Chinese educational transmigrants in Melbourne.” Keynote address at the postgraduate symposium “Hybrid Futures: Working Across, Between and Within Film, Media, Communications and Journalism,” Monash University, Nov 29 2018.
  24. DOUGLASS, CH, QIN, C, LIM, MSC, MARTIN, F and EL-HAYEK, C. “Sexual Behaviours and Knowledge Among Chinese-Speaking International Students in Australia.” Presented by Carol El-Hayek at the IUSTI Asia Pacific Sexual Health Congress, Auckland, Nov 1-2 2018.
  25. MARTIN, F. “After study, where next? Chinese women students negotiating gendered and racial barriers in Chinese and Australian labour markets.” Invited paper for the Migration, Gender and Environment International Workshop, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne, Oct 23 2018.
  26. MARTIN, F. Keynote address at the Digital Citizenship in Asia symposium. “Chinese educational transmigrants and social media’s mobile scenes.” Cultural Research Centre, National University of Singapore, Oct 12 2018.
  27. MARTIN, F. “Welcome to Melvillage: Mobile students remaking the city.” AusMob Launch Symposium: “The Future of Mobilities Research in Australia and Beyond.” School of Geography, The University of Melbourne, Dec 7-8 2017.
  28. MARTIN, F. “A Tale of Ten Thousand Cities: The production of ‘Melvillage’ as a landscape of fear through WeChat.” Invited presentation at the international symposium, “Communicative Cities and Urban Space.” Fudan University, Shanghai, Nov 29-30 2017.
  29. MARTIN, F. “WeChat therefore We Are: Chinese Social Media in Inner Melbourne.” Invited presentation in the Contemporary China Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, August 15, 2017. Video available here.
  30. MARTIN, F. “Overseas study as zone of suspension: Chinese students re-negotiating the meanings of youth, gender, and intimacy.” Part of a co-organized panel, with Helen Hok-Sze Leung, on Gendered Im/mobilities in Asian Youth Cultures, at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Biennial Conference, “Worlding: Asia Beyond/ After Globalization.” Sungkonghoe University, Seoul, July 28-30, 2017.
  31. MARTIN, F. “Im/mobile subjects: Chinese students’ experiences of work, place and movement in Melbourne.” Plenary presentation for the Borders and Mobilities panel, Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference 2016, University of Sydney and Western Sydney University, Dec 14-17, 2016.
  32. MARTIN, F. “Cosmopolitan desire and gendered risk: Rethinking Chinese students’ motivations for overseas education”. Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2016, University of Sydney and Western Sydney University, part of a stream of 5 panels on ‘Mobilities and Multicultures’ co-organized by Martin and A/Prof Helen Hok-Sze Leung of Simon Fraser University, Dec 14-17, 2016.
  33. MARTIN, F., “Overseas study as zone of suspension: Chinese students re-negotiating the meanings of youth, gender, and intimacy.” Invited presentation at the “Workshop on Youth Mobilities and Immobilities in the Asia-Pacific Region,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Nov 7-8, 2016.
  34. Shanton Chang, Catherine Gomes, and F. MARTIN. “Digital Journeys: International Students and their Digital Environments” at the “Transnational Mobility in the Asia-Pacific: Family, Friends and Facebook” symposium, RMIT University, Nov 3, 2016.
  35. MARTIN, F. “Transient migrants, translocality, and ‘ethno-transnational’ social media: Rethinking everyday multiculturalism in inner Melbourne.” Invited presentation at the “Everyday Multiculturalism and Trans-Asian Mobilities” symposium, Monash and Deakin Universities, Oct 27-28, 2016.
  36. MARTIN, F, “Noodles, night cream and network capital: Chinese students between mobility and fixity in Melbourne.” Keynote address at the “Mobilities and Borders” international research symposium, Hong Kong Baptist University, Sep 30, 2016.
  37. MARTIN, F. “Media, Place, and National Publics: Chinese International Students in Translocal Networks.” Invited presentation at the International Workshop on “Asian Migration and Rooted Transnationalism,” Monash University, Nov 19-20, 2015.
  38. MARTIN, F. “Media, Place, and National Publics: Chinese International Students in Translocal Networks.” Keynote address at the symposium, “Transient Migrants in the Asia-Pacific: Identities, Social Networks and Media,” RMIT University, Nov 12, 2015.
  39. MARTIN, F. “Gender, educational mobility, and the ‘Asian century’: Chinese international students in Australian higher education.” Plenary presentation at the International Gender and Education Association Biennial Conference, University of Melbourne, Dec 9, 2014.
  40. MARTIN, F. “Precarious autonomy: Chinese women students (re)negotiating gender through educational mobility.” Keynote address at the symposium, “Precariously Yours: Gender, Class, and Urbanity in Contemporary Shanghai,” Fei Contemporary Art Centre, Shanghai; organized by Prof. Christiane Brosius, Heidelberg University, Prof. Jeroen de Kloet, University of Amsterdam, and Dr Melissa Butcher, Open University, London, Dec 4-6 2014.
  41. MARTIN, F. “Digital Natives on the Move: Electronic Connectivity and International Student Experience in Australia.” Keynote address at ISANA International Education 24th Annual Conference, Brisbane, Dec 3-6, 2013.
  42. MARTIN, F. “Digital Connectivity and Translocal Place-Making: Chinese International Students in Melbourne.” Invited presentation at the International Workshop on “‘Multiculturalism and ‘Asia’,” Monash Asia Institute, Nov 21-22, 2013.
  43. MARTIN, F. “The gender of ‘portable personhood’: Chinese women students in Melbourne and transnational self-making,” at the “Transnational Sexualities and Genders” symposium, University of Melbourne, May 2, 2013.
  44. MARTIN, F. “Transnational dream, transnational practice: Articulations of gendered personhood by Chinese women students in Australia.” Invited presentation at the symposium on “China, The Human, Queerness, Immigration, Law and Related Conversations,” Institute for International Law and the Humanities, Melbourne Law School, Dec 5, 2012.
  45. MARTIN, F. “’Struggling for the Dream’: Gendered Self-Making Projects of Chinese Women Students in Australia.” Invited presentation at the “Gender and Modernity in the Asia-Pacific 2” symposium, University of Sydney, Aug 23-24, 2012.

Other public presentations

  1. MARTIN, F. “After the dream: Tracking the post-study lives of Chinese women graduates of Australian universities,” invited public Culture Talk at Institute for Australian and Chinese Arts and Culture (IAC) at Western Sydney University, Oct 16 2024.
  2. ZHENG, Hao and F. Martin. “Mobile Genders: The Trans* Journeys of Chinese Students in Australia,” invited presentation at the International Center for Cultural Studies, Research cluster on The Chinese Contemporary: Spiritual Problems, Sentimental Education, and Historical Narratives at National Yangming Chiaotung University, Taiwan, September 27 2024.
  3. ZHENG, Hao and F. Martin. “Mobile Genders: The Trans* Journeys of Chinese Students in Australia,” invited presentation at Monash queerEd Faculty of Education Research and Scholarship Group, August 26 2024.
  4. MARTIN, F. In-depth interview with Yadong Li, Tulane University, about Dreams of Flight: The Lives of Chinese Women Students in the West, for the Anthropology, Chinese Studies, Education, Higher Education and Sociology channels of New Books Network podcast (90 mins), March 2024.
  5. MARTIN, F. 《远走高飞来澳洲 为中国女性留学生带来怎样的蜕变?》 Interview with Helen Chen, SBS Chinese, Jun 8 2023.
  6. MARTIN, F. “Making Mobile Professionals: The Reproduction of Gender and Class in Chinese Women’s Transnational Education.” Invited presentation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s School of Media & Communication, HEResearch Global Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series (online via Tencent Meeting), May 25 2023.
  7. MARTIN, F. In conversation with Dr Xuting Zhang for Bay Area Chinese Culture Salon, 远走高飞之梦: 中国女性留学生在西方 【湾区文化沙龙】, April 30, 2023, 110 mins.
  8. MARTIN. F. In conversation with Dr Mengwei Tu and hosts, 《远走高飞后,留学能给人带来自由吗?》 episode of podcast 《不合时宜》, April 11, 2023, 98 mins. (Top episode for the year with > 670,000 downloads)
  9. MARTIN, F. “Dreams of Flight: The Lives of Chinese Women Students in the West,” 2023 Paul Priday annual public lecture in Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, March 17, 2023.
  10. MARTIN, F. In conversation with respondents Zishan Lai, Ziyi Wang and Zicheng Zhu on Dreams of Flight, public webinar, National University of Singapore, Dept of Communications & New Media, Sep 2, 2022.
  11. MARTIN, F. Interview with Amanda Vanstone for Counterpoint, Radio National, Aug 22, 2022; developed as an ABC news feature, Sep 23, 2022.
  12. MARTIN, F., in conversation with Prof Louise Edwards on Dreams of Flight, public webinar, Australia-China Relations Institute, Jul 28, 2022.
  13. MARTIN, F., in conversation with Dr Sylvia Ang on her book, Contesting Chineseness: Nationality, Class, Gender and New Chinese Migrants and my Dreams of Flight, Asian Studies Association of Australia annual conference, “Social Justice in Pandemic Times,” Monash University, Jul 5–8, 2022.
  14. MARTIN, F. Interview with China News Service leading to a feature article, 马嘉兰:当代中国女性有着怎样的国际Style?, July 3, 2022.
  15. MARTIN, F. Interview with Prof Helen Leung for her podcast, Transpacific Stories, Jun 4, 2022.
  16. MARTIN, F. Public discussion on Dreams of Flight, School of Culture, History and Language, Australian National University, May 31, 2022.
  17. MARTIN, F. Interview with Dr Angela Lehman for The Lygon Group international education consultants podcast, special episode, Headstrong, for International Women’s Day, Mar 25, 2022.
  18. MARTIN. F. Interview with Dr Cora Lingling Xu (English), Network for Research into Chinese Education Mobilities, about Dreams of Flight, in video and podcast form, Mar 17, 2022.
  19. MARTIN, F. In conversation with Prof. Tejaswini Niranjana at the launch of Dreams of Flight, Mar 12, 2022.
  20. MARTIN. F. Interview with Dr Cora Lingling Xu (Chinese with English subtitles), for her popular series Dr Xu Gazing at Academia, Feb 26, 2022.
  21. MARTIN, F. Interviewed for the ABC’s China, If You’re Listening podcast episode on Chinese Students: Commodity or Opportunity?, Jun 29, 2021.
  22. MARTIN, F. Interviewed on The Drum, ABC TV, Feb 16, 2021 (segment begins at 28 mins).
  23. MARTIN, F. Participated in the public debate on Values vs Interests in Australia’s relationship with China, to launch the Asia Society Australia’s “Disruptive Asia” volume, Melbourne, Dec 3, 2019.
  24. MARTIN, F. “Chinese students’ media and information-seeking practices: Implications for Victorian universities, government, and service providers,” invited presentation at Global Victoria’s In-Conversation Seminar Series: Opportunities & Challenges Facing Victoria’s International Education Sector. Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions, Melbourne, Sep 12, 2019.
  25. MARTIN, F. Interview on “Saturday Extra” with Geraldine Doogue, Radio National, on Changing universities’ approach to Chinese students and scholars, Aug 24, 2019.
  26. MARTIN, F. Interview on “Panorama” news & current affairs show on Chinese international students and WeChat, SYN FM, Jun 6, 2019.
  27. MARTIN, F. Interview on Breakfast with Wendy Harmer and Robbie Buck, ABC Radio Sydney (from 2:55:21). May 13, 2019.
  28. MARTIN, F. and Qin CAN. “Chinese students in Australia: Social background, subjective experience, and perspectives on mental health.” Invited presentation to mental health professionals at The Melbourne Clinic Academic Forum, March 27, 2019.
  29. MARTIN, F. Interview with Jules Schiller on ABC Radio Adelaide, Drive, Nov 27, 2018.
  30. MARTIN, F. Interview about the research project with Campus Review , Jun 5, 2018.
  31. MARTIN. F. Interview on the Little Red Podcast special, “Tinker, Tailor, Student, Spy? Inside Australia’s Chinese Student Boom,” with Louisa Lim and Graeme Smith, May 10, 2018.
  32. MARTIN, F. “Expectations and experiences of Chinese university students in Australia,” podcast interview with Prof James Laurenceson, Australia-China Relations Institute, May 3, 2018.
  33. MARTIN, F., Wanning Sun and Merriden Varrall, in conversation with Prof. the Hon Bob Carr, on “Chinese Students in Australia,” Australia-China Relations Institute public seminar, University of Technology Sydney, Apr 26, 2018.
  34. MARTIN, F. Interview on Chinese students’ social experience in Australia on Triple J’s Hack. Nov 7, 2017.
  35. MARTIN, F. Interview on 3CR Radio’s Communication Mixdown, on WeChat news accounts’ role in Chinese international students’ racialized perceptions of crime and safety in Melbourne, Aug 10, 2017.

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